In the news of yesterday, BTK serial killer Dennis Rader was sentenced for the murders he committed in Wichita, Kansas. Rader professes to be a Christian. When individuals like Mr. Rader make such statements my mind does wonder. Unlike some other serial killers who have professed to becoming a Christ follower after the crimes, Radar seems to profess that he was a Christian all along. The Wichita Eagle ran this article
Can he be forgiven? which is a totally different question than what I would have asked.
My question would be: Would God allow one of his chosen to carry out such a heinous crime? Is this possible? The article I reference previously does have one sentence that asks a similar question to what I am:
"And if Rader killed and committed other crimes believing he would always be forgiven, can he still be forgiven?". The way I read the article this is an editorial comment by the author Joe Rodriguez and was not posed to the clergy that were interviewed.With the news reports yesterday of Dennis Rader's sentencing, these thoughts were forefront in my mind. So, do I think it is coincident that part of my Bible reading for today has this title (NIV)
"The Soul Who Sins Will Die"? - - Not! The passage is Ezekiel 18
Those of you thinking that I have found an answer to my questions are wrong. I just have more questions. In quickly summarizing Ezekiel 18, basically he is saying that each individual is accountable for his own life. A summary verse might be: 30-32
"Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and Live! Sounds good right? As Keith Jackson was famous to say "woo Nellie"; how does this square with Joshua 7 or Romans 5? That is, if Ezekiel's point about individual accountability is true, then how come all Israel suffered for Achan's sin? And how come all humanity is guilty for Adam's sin?
My question is not why evil in the world. See previous
I struggle for understanding.